Monday, December 7, 2009

Shocking News

Today, in the 8th day of December 2009, Sir Sean Stanhill just told us about a really shocking news that is maybe good or bad for others. He will be leaving Philippines maybe on the 22nd day of January 2010. It is really a bad news for us because he contributed many techniques to our I.C.T lab. that made our school more popular. char! hehe. But what if God has a plan for him back to the States. We don't know! Only God can know. But we will really miss him. Not for locking our computers sometimes but for the lessons he taught us that we will treasure forever!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Excel Experience

Since the 3rd grading started, our teachers made us focus on how to use Microsoft Excel and what products it can make. And for the past weeks or months, I focused on my activities in my subject I.C.T. (Information Communication Technology) where we practice ourselves for the future and what it beholds. And as the years pass by, technology also upgrades. For one of its steps, we practiced on how to use software that are useful for everyday use.

We made grade sheets, bio data, and many more products Excel can produce. Due to its columns and rows, it is more capable of making sheets. And its cells are easy to use. You’ll just click and adjust it for writing words.

We even made a poster, which is our present activity that we have been working for weeks, which we passed today. Thank God, for the strength and wisdom he gave to us. If he had taken my life, I can not accomplish my Excel activity! And for my parents who supported me for paying the printing. So that's all, my experience that I can use for the future and for important events that need technology!