Monday, December 7, 2009

Shocking News

Today, in the 8th day of December 2009, Sir Sean Stanhill just told us about a really shocking news that is maybe good or bad for others. He will be leaving Philippines maybe on the 22nd day of January 2010. It is really a bad news for us because he contributed many techniques to our I.C.T lab. that made our school more popular. char! hehe. But what if God has a plan for him back to the States. We don't know! Only God can know. But we will really miss him. Not for locking our computers sometimes but for the lessons he taught us that we will treasure forever!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

My Excel Experience

Since the 3rd grading started, our teachers made us focus on how to use Microsoft Excel and what products it can make. And for the past weeks or months, I focused on my activities in my subject I.C.T. (Information Communication Technology) where we practice ourselves for the future and what it beholds. And as the years pass by, technology also upgrades. For one of its steps, we practiced on how to use software that are useful for everyday use.

We made grade sheets, bio data, and many more products Excel can produce. Due to its columns and rows, it is more capable of making sheets. And its cells are easy to use. You’ll just click and adjust it for writing words.

We even made a poster, which is our present activity that we have been working for weeks, which we passed today. Thank God, for the strength and wisdom he gave to us. If he had taken my life, I can not accomplish my Excel activity! And for my parents who supported me for paying the printing. So that's all, my experience that I can use for the future and for important events that need technology!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Heaven or Hell?

Last October 21, I have taken my 2nd Periodical Test in our ICT (Information Communication Technology), our specialization in TLE. While I am answering those questions, I have felt that time is running fast and I have to think fast so that I can pass my answer sheet before time.
I thought the questions will be very easy because we have only taken small lectures but more on hands-on. But in the other hand, it have taken me many minutes to think than write my answer. And some of the questions were not taken by our teacher but showed up during our test. I was shocked and troubled how can I answer those we have not taken.
Most of the questions terribly stormed my brain. Answers are circling in my head and I have to choose what is the correct one. But before the bell rang, I have passed my answer sheet even most of my answers are not sure if it is correct or not.
After my exam, I have thought where I have been. Am I in heaven answering those questions or in hell. But in the positive side, I have passed my answer sheet with joy in my heart and not troubled anymore.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

New Treasure

The old times,

Happy to remember,

Memories never to be forgotten,

Treasure to remember often.

A new school year comes,

With new teachers and friends,

New special someone to find,

Even to be fond of.

I hope to be good this year,

And even get high grades,

Befriend to everybody,

And have a new treasure,

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Pirates of the Silicon Valley

My reaction about the movie is the story is interesting. You will know the events how the company Apple started and the Microsoft. I was amazed how Bill Gates sold his product that does not exist and how he outsmart Steve Jobs.

The movie tells us how did they made the computers and where did they came from. It is informative event the least information. The movie gave the places where they had started their company and what are the obstacles they had encountered.

I have know that because of only one (1) mistake of Steve Jobs, Bill Gates became richer than him. And it tells us also how Bill Gates outsmart the pirates until he had obtained success.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

A Power To Change The Past

History is the study of the past, with special attention to the written record of activities of human beings over time. Ever wonder changing the history? If you will be given a power to change the history, what will you change?
If I would given a POWER to change the history, I would like to change the coming of Spaniards. The Philippines was a colony of Spain during that time. One of Spain's objectives on colonizing the Philippines was to convert the tribal people to Roman Catholic. They use it as a strategy to hide their discriminating actions. High officials look down at Filipinos.
I would like to change the ruling of the Spaniards. If I change it, Filipinos would not feel pain and suffering. Drops of blood would be save if Spaniards don't look down Filipino. Otherwise, they will help us on our culture and industry. But they took advantage of the kindness of Filipinos. They don't want Filipino priests to handle a church and many more.
That's why I like to change the rulings of the Spaniards. In my changed history, when Magellan discovered the Philippines, he would not ask taxes from Lapu-Lapu so a fight would not happen. Even Philippines became a colony of the Spain, Spaniards look at Filipino as they look at theirselves. A fight would not took place. Filipino Priest can handle a church with the help of Spanish Priests. Girls and Boys can get to school and everyone would have a job. Peace and love would reign. Respect and good manners would take place. No crimes and war would happen. Everyone is contented on what they have. And Philipppines is one of the leading countries with the help of Spain.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

On my way to school

1. I wake up at 5:30 in the morning.
2. I wash my face and do some stretching.
3. I check my notes if I have assignments not done in the evening.
4. After that, I take a bath and then wear my uniform.
5. In a while, I eat my breakfast to fill my stomach some food.
6. After breakfast, I brush my teeth and check if it is thoroughly clean.
7. I rest a while because I am always full every morning because it is where I take my energy for the whole day.
8. I check my personal hygiene if I am ready to go to school.
9. When I go out of house, I wait for a pot-pot(a tricycle) to transport me to school.
10. And the fee for the ride is Php 5.00.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Everyday I see her,
I feel completed,
Every smile of her,
I feel contented.

I try my best to be relaxed,
But opposite I am tensed,
Because everytime I stop up,
I feel my whole world plug up.

Everytime I look at her,
I feel unruffled,
Everytime I remember her,
I feel untroubled.

I think there is no thing unmanageable,
If I have my inspiration,
I need motivation,
To make all things manageable.

Monday, June 8, 2009


This is my first blog.
I have visited this site many times but don't know how to create a blog.
I wonder who can only have a blog.
But now I know, everyone can have one.
And I am happy to be a blogger.
And to all blogger, keep it up and post all you want.
Take Care and God Bless..